Background Pattern

Geoelectromagnetic Exploration

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Electromagnetic field theory (EM) revisitedExpert
EM field sourceExpert
Earth response functionExpert
EM methods in earth explorationExpert
EM method measurement, processing and data analysis techniques in earth exporationExpert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Electromagnetic (EM) field theory review: Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave and diffusion equations, skin effect, transmission and reflection of EM fields
CPMK 2EM field sources: natural sources, electric dipole, magnetic dipole. Earth response function: impedance tensor, tipper, apparent resistivity and phase impedance
CPMK 3EM methods: magnetotelluric method (MT), CSAMT, transient EM (TEM), Very Low Frequency (VLF), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method
CPMK 4Measurement techniques, data processing and analysis, interpretation of EM data, application of EM methods for earth exploration and studies

Learning Method

  • Lectures, group discussions

Learning Modality

  • Synchronous offline, asynchronous mixed/online

Assessment Methods

  • Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Assignments, and Quizzes