

Bachelor of Actuarial Science Actuarial Science

Situs Website

Head of Study Program

Prof. Novriana Sumarti, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.

Study Period

4 Tahun (144 SKS)

Academic Degree


Campus Location




About Study Program

The ITB Marine Engineering Study Program is a study program that focuses on engineering sciences related to coastal and offshore structures and infrastructure. This study program provides international classes with English as the main language of teaching. Through knowledge that includes basic knowledge of science and mathematics, basic engineering knowledge, professionalism, application, design, and marine engineering, Marine Engineering graduates are expected to be able to compete at national, regional and international levels.

Curriculum Structure

NoCodeCourseCourse Credits
Credit Total0

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Achieve Dreams for Future Success

<p><span data-sheets-root="1">Achieve Dreams for Future Success</span></p>

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Graduates are expected to master the knowledge and have sufficient insight in the fields of mathematics and statistics to understand actuarial and financial models;

Graduates are expected to demonstrate the ability to describe actuarial, risk management, or financial problems, collect relevant data, evaluate their reliability, analyze them, and draw conclusions;

Graduates are expected to be able to think critically to identify real problems and solve them by applying knowledge and methods in actuarial science, finance, statistics, and mathematics;

Graduates are expected to be able to work in a multidisciplinary team, communicate effectively both verbally and in writing, and have good leadership attitudes;

Graduates are expected to have the attitude, work ethic, and personality of a good student, which reflects integrity, independence, high curiosity, perseverance, thoroughness, creativity, honesty, and self-confidence

Graduates are expected to be able to understand aspects of academic ethics and professional ethics, as well as the impact of professional and scientific development on social welfare;

Graduates are expected to be able to use knowledge of contemporary issues, techniques, skills, modern science, and technical tools required in professional practice;

Graduates are expected to be ready to develop themselves further, both in actuarial and other relevant fields, including fields in the world of work.

Career Prospects