Bachelor of Science in Postharvest Technology Postharvest Technology
Situs WebsiteHead of Study Program
Dr. Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, S.P., M.Si.
Study Period
4 Tahun (144 SKS)
Academic Degree
Campus Location
Unggul - BANPT
Study Program
Curriculum Structure
No | Code | Course | Course Credits |
Credit Total | 0 |
Various Additional Academic Programs
Postharvest of Agriculture Product
Postharvest Technology
Postharvest of Forest Product
Postharvest Technology
Postharvest of Aquaculture Product
Postharvest Technology
Achieve Dreams for Future Success
Graduate Learning Outcomes
Proficient in comprehending the fundamental principles and technological advancements in postharvest fields
Proficient in applying basic science and engineering principles to identify and analyze postharvest systems and processes of agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture products
Proficient in utilizing technology to minimize postharvest losses, prolong shelf life, preserve quality, and enhance the added value of agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture products
Proficient in designing postharvest systems and processes of agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture products
Proficient in applying state-of-the-art information technology tools for postharvest systems and processes
Proficient in assessing and verifying that postharvest process systems meet technical specifications and user requirements
Proficient in communicating effectively through verbal, written, and visual mediums
Proficient in working independently and in multidisciplinary teams
Demonstrates professionalism and ethical behavior in their work
Committed to continuously improving abilities and skills through lifelong learning endeavors to enhance quality of life