Background Pattern

Electric Circuit

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Introduction to Circuit AnalysisExpress
Sinusoidal Steady State Response AnalysisExpert
Alternating Current Power AnalysisExpert
Three-phase networkExpert
Magnetically coupled circuitExpert
Frequency ResponseExpert
Introduction to Laplace TransformationExpress
Applications of Laplace TransformationExpert
Fourier SeriesExpress
Fourier TransformationExpress
Two-port networksExpert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Able to analyze circuits with frequency domain phasor using a variety of techniques
CPMK 2Apply the phasor concept to the analysis of alternating current power and three-phase circuits
CPMK 3Analyzing circuits with a magnetic coupling
CPMK 4Draw a Bode plot of the transfer function and use the frequency domain response to analyze the resonance and filter circuit
CPMK 5Applying Laplace transforms for the analysis of the steady time of direct and alternating current circuits
CPMK 6Applying Fourier series and Fourier transform for circuit analysis with non-sinusoidal excitation
CPMK 72-port circuit analysis with various parameters
CPMK 8Modeling a system in the form of a state space representation

Learning Method

  • Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies, Independent Learning

Learning Modality

  • Offline, Online, Hybrid

Assessment Methods

  • Homework, Quiz, Exam