

Bachelor of Science in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering

Situs Website

Head of Study Program

Dr. rer. nat. Wiwin Windupranata, S.T, M.Si.

Study Period

4 Tahun (144 SKS)

Academic Degree


Campus Location



Unggul - BANPT

About Study Program

The ITB Marine Engineering Study Program is a study program that focuses on engineering sciences related to coastal and offshore structures and infrastructure. This study program provides international classes with English as the main language of teaching. Through knowledge that includes basic knowledge of science and mathematics, basic engineering knowledge, professionalism, application, design, and marine engineering, Marine Engineering graduates are expected to be able to compete at national, regional and international levels.

Curriculum Structure

NoCodeCourseCourse Credits
Credit Total0

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Achieve Dreams for Future Success

<p><span data-sheets-root="1">Achieve Dreams for Future Success</span></p>

Graduate Learning Outcomes

have and be able to apply mathematics and basic sciences in the field of geodesy and geomatics engineering

have appropriate knowledge and skills in the subject specific of geodesy and geomatics engineering

have applied knowledge and skills in the subject specific of geodesy and geomatics engineering

be able to identify, formulate and solve geodesy and geomatics engineering task and problems

be able to utilize and practice modern and recent technology, methods and tools in geodesy and geomatics

have appropriate knowledge in professional practice such as laws, management, entrepreneurship, report writing, communication, presentation and environmental awareness

be able to find appropriate literatures and data sources

understand customer as well as interdisciplinary requirements, orientation and behaviour profound professional openness and creativity

profound professional openness and creativity

have a leadership and to able to work in a team

understand professional ethics and social responsibility

be prepared for socialization and working in both engineering or scientific environments

have awareness of the importance of life-long learning

understand national characteristics and problems

Career Prospects

First Year of FITB
Geological Engineering