Background Pattern

Long Waves

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Equations of Motion for Long Waves FluidExpert
Derivation of 1-D Long Wave Equations without Friction and with FrictionExpert
Long Wave EnergyExpert
Reflection and Transmission of Long WavesExpert
Storm SurgeExpert
Geostrophic Effects on Long WavesExpert
Amphidromic PointExpert
Bathystrophic Storm TideExpert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Capable of formulating the conservation equations of mass and momentum in 1D, 2D, and the energy of long waves using Green's law averaged in the vertical dimension.
CPMK 2Capable of identifying tsunami wave propagation and formulating its equations in marine engineering problems.
CPMK 3Capable of calculating values from tidal current equations in 1D channels to solve engineering problems.
CPMK 4Capable of distinguishing storm surges from other marine phenomena and using storm surge equations to solve engineering problems.
CPMK 5Capable of detecting wave reflection/transmission phenomena due to depth changes and solving engineering problems using their equations.
CPMK 6Capable of using equations for atmospheric pressure disturbances, seabed movements, and Kelvin waves in solving marine engineering problems.
CPMK 7Capable of identifying estuarine currents due to density differences, wind, and river outflows, assuming steady flow and laterally averaged direction.

Learning Method

  • Lecture

Learning Modality

  • In terms of absorption: visual and auditory In terms of implementation: synchronous

Assessment Methods

  • Homework, quiz, midterm exam, final exam, written paper and presentation.