Bachelor of Design Craft
Situs WebsiteHead of Study Program
Dr. Yan Yan Sunarya, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Study Period
4 Tahun (144 SKS)
Academic Degree
Campus Location
Unggul - BANPT
Study Program
Curriculum Structure
No | Code | Course | Course Credits |
Credit Total | 0 |
Various Additional Academic Programs
Achieve Dreams for Future Success
Graduate Learning Outcomes
Problem Solving The ability to identify, formulate, and solve craft problems by applying craft principles to other fields in a relevant interdisciplinary context
Communication The ability to communicate effectively to convey concepts, designs, and craft works, both verbally and visually.
Craft Skills Mastering the skills to process materials manually as well as using advanced tools and technology in the production process of craft works.
Creativity The ability to act creatively in the craft works making process.
Ethics and Professionalism The ability to act responsibly and ethically and maintain a professional attitude in both individual and group work
Community The ability to collaborate and apply knowledge to various communities within the realm of crafts
Exploration The ability to develop systematic and structured exploration and experimentation in the craft works creation process.
Knowledge and Long Learning The ability to enhance scientific knowledge theoretically and to pursue higher education