Background Pattern

Geomechanics in Geophysics

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Introduction: The interplay between earth stresses, pressures, mechanical properties, and the geometry the act upon; Stress and strain: the stress tensor, the strain tensor, the linear stress-strain relationship;Explore
Rock failures: introduction to rock experiment, elastic and plastic material, failure criterion, fracture propagation; Sediment compaction and stress state in the earth: Vertical stress, Pore pressure and sediment compaction, estimation of Minimum and Maximum horizontal stress;Explore
Pore pressure and seismic: Pore pressure estimation from velocity, relations of velocity versus effective stress; Wellbore stability: Stress change near a borehole, compressional and tensile failures on the borehole wall;Explore
Geotechnical aspect of rock mechanics: tunnelling, land slide, and underground mining activities. Seismic anisotropy of shales: relation of shale anisotropy to microstructure, clay mineral anisotropy;Explore
Student projects: wellbore stability, and seismic data analysisExplore

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Understanding the interplay between earth stresses, pressures, mechanical properties, and the geometry the act upon.
CPMK 2Understanding, the linear stress-strain relationship, Rock failures criterion and fracture propagation
CPMK 3Understanding the pore pressure and seismic, Pore pressure estimation from velocity, relations of velocity versus effective stress.
CPMK 4Understanding wellbore stability.

Learning Method

Learning Modality

Assessment Methods

  • Student project, Mid semester test, Final test