Master of Science in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
Situs WebsiteHead of Study Program
Dr. techn. Dudy Darmawan Wijaya, S.T, M.Sc.
Study Period
4 Tahun (144 SKS)
Academic Degree
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Curriculum Structure
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Graduate Learning Outcomes
Able to describe, structure and implement complex and novel model, with the corresponding data model, according to identification and conceptualization of geospatially-related phenomena.
Able to understand the essence of the physical system of the earth including its gravitational field and to explain their relevance to earth’s reference system and observation, and presentation of geospatial information.
Able to demonstrate capability in identifying activities from undefined issues into execution of technical project comprising of data collection and analysis.
Able to explain intervention and role of geospatial technology contributing to solving existing problem, in order to achieve the purpose of concept and implementation of land administration and management, hydrography, disaster risk management, and environmental management.
Able to demonstrate capability in planning and executing of innovative method in order to solve exceptional geospatial task.
Able to plan and manage a multi-disciplinary project including the use of recent information technologies.
Able to explain novel state of his/her work, publish the work in scientific journal, and reports on how the output has gone through scientific based quality assurance and control.
Able to play an effective role in teams setting goals, planning tasks, meeting activity schedules, and analyzing risks and uncertainties to integrate them into their actions responsibly.