

Master of Urban Design Urban Design

Situs Website

Head of Study Program

Dr. Eng. Mochamad Donny Koerniawan, S.T, M.T.

Study Period

4 Tahun (144 SKS)

Academic Degree


Campus Location



Unggul - BANPT

About Study Program

The ITB Marine Engineering Study Program is a study program that focuses on engineering sciences related to coastal and offshore structures and infrastructure. This study program provides international classes with English as the main language of teaching. Through knowledge that includes basic knowledge of science and mathematics, basic engineering knowledge, professionalism, application, design, and marine engineering, Marine Engineering graduates are expected to be able to compete at national, regional and international levels.

Curriculum Structure

NoCodeCourseCourse Credits
Credit Total0

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Achieve Dreams for Future Success

<p><span data-sheets-root="1">Achieve Dreams for Future Success</span></p>

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Able to elaborate theories and methods to explain the relationship between urban design and the built environment and the sustainable natural environment

Able to apply theories and methods of urban design and planning, and able and skilled in designing through the preparation of urban design products.

Able and skilled in using urban design and planning tools

Able to analyze, respond, manage and evaluate processes, procedures and tools for controlling urban development and design

Able to analyze and articulate the financial feasibility of the project, the political, social and cultural context of the community in the design process.

Proficient and skillful in using design communication techniques effectively

Able to demonstrate and comply with the scope of work, take responsibility for the urban design profession, and realize the ethical implications of urban design, including its impact on society and the environment.

Career Prospects