
Introduction to Survival Model

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Introduction to Survival ModelsExplore
Random variables age and remaining age and their distributionExpress
Parametric survival modelsExpert
Life table or mortality tablesExpert
Exposure ConceptExpert
Interpolation method for calculating fractional age probabilitiesExpert
Estimating survival models from complete dataExpert
Distribution of the random variables number of people and number of deaths to estimate the survival functionExpert
Draft single decrement Anddouble decrementExpress
Estimating survival models from incomplete dataExpert
Moment estimator for downside probability single decrementExpert
Moment estimator for downside probability double decrementExpert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Understand basic knowledge about survival functions and parametric survival models.
CPMK 2Building the elements in the life table (life table) based on the information provided.
CPMK 3Applying life tables in calculating the chance of death in the world of insurance.
CPMK 4Estimate the probability of death for a casesingle decrement.
CPMK 5Assess the probability of reduction for casesdouble decrementusing the moment method.

Learning Method

  • Lectures and discussions

Learning Modality

  • Mixed, Synchronous/asynchronous, and Independent/Group

Assessment Methods

  • Midterm Test, Final Test, Quiz, Homework