

Bachelor of Science Meteorology

Situs Website

Head of Study Program

Dr. Muhammad Rais Abdillah, S.Si., M.Sc.

Study Period

4 Tahun (144 SKS)

Academic Degree


Campus Location




About Study Program

The ITB Marine Engineering Study Program is a study program that focuses on engineering sciences related to coastal and offshore structures and infrastructure. This study program provides international classes with English as the main language of teaching. Through knowledge that includes basic knowledge of science and mathematics, basic engineering knowledge, professionalism, application, design, and marine engineering, Marine Engineering graduates are expected to be able to compete at national, regional and international levels.

Curriculum Structure

NoCodeCourseCourse Credits
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Achieve Dreams for Future Success

<p><span data-sheets-root="1">Achieve Dreams for Future Success</span></p>

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Able to use basic science and mathematics as the foundation to understand principles of Meteorology.

Able to describe the atmosphere and weather/climate phenomena.

Able to demonstrate his understanding and basic knowledge on basic meteorology to explain weather/climate phenomena.

Able to explain the basic principles of weather observation, including the types, function, and standard for measuring weather and climate parameters.

Able to utilize both conventional and non-conventional instruments to obtain data and information about the atmosphere.

Able to process big data for weather and climate to understand weather and climate phenomena.

Able to operate computational software in accordance to the algorithms learned to solve standard scientific problems in meteorology.

Able to design a weather simulation and/or weather interaction with the environment as applications in meteorology.

Able to interpret and analyze the results of data processing and/or simulation to obtain information and/or new knowledge for meteorological issues.

Having the basic ability in verbal communication and able to write proper scientific reports.

Having a good knowledge on the contribution of meteorology for solving problems, especially issues related to climate change, environmental sustainability, hydro-meteorological disaster, and renewable energy.

Able to work effectively in team and individually.

Able to show the will for continuous self-improvement and the readiness to pursue higher education.

Able to show responsibility and ethics in both academics and professional field.

Career Prospects

Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
Geological Engineering