
GNSS Applications

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type


Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
GNSS Applications and Methods in the field of GeodesyExpress
GNSS Applications and Methods in EngineeringExpress
GNSS Applications and Methods in the field of EnergyExpress
GNSS Applications and Methods in the field of DisasterExpress
GNSS Applications and Methods in the Environmental fieldExpress
GNSS Applications and Methods in the Atmosphere fieldExpress
GNSS Applications and Methods in the Military fieldExpress

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Students can understand the role of GNSS in various fields of application.
CPMK 2Students are able to explain the principles and methods of using GNSS in various application fields, such as: geodesy, mapping survey, cadastre, engineering and public works, transportation (land, sea, air), mining and energy, disaster, marine, meteorology and ionosphere, forestry, environment, agriculture, plantation, fishery, and military.
CPMK 3Students can understand the synergy between GNSS technology and other geospatial technologies, and its use in various fields of application.

Learning Method


Learning Modality

  • Offline, Synchronous, Asynchronous

Assessment Methods

  • Written: Optional, Description, Essay Oral: Presentation Assignment: Report, Demonstration, Practice