
Advanced Photogrammetry

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Introduction to Advanced PhotogrammetryExpress
Digital Camera for MappingExpress
Stereo View and Multi View PhotogrammetryExpress
Photogrammetry Technology in various vehicles (terrestrial (stationary, car), aerial (airborne, drone, fixed wing) and space (satellite))Express
Integration of Photogrammetry and LiDAR TechnologyExpress
Application of Photogrammetry for DisasterExpert
Photogrammetry Application for EnvironmentExpert
Application of Photogrammetry for Autonomous VehiclesExpert
Aplikasi Fotogrametri Untuk Pengelolaan Wilayah (Smart City, Digital Twin, Land Management)Expert
Application of Photogrammetry for 3-Dimensional Modeling (BIM, Archaeology)Expert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Able to explain the concept of advanced photogrammetry
CPMK 2Able to explain the concept of digital camera for mapping
CPMK 3Able to explain the concept of stereo view and multi view photogrammetry
CPMK 4Able to explain the concept of photogrammetry technology in various vehicles (terrestrial (stationary, car), aerial (airborne, drone, fixed wing) and space (satellite))
CPMK 5Able to explain the concept of integration of photogrammetry and LiDAR technology
CPMK 6Able to explain the application of photogrammetry for disaster
CPMK 7Able to explain the application of photogrammetry for the environment
CPMK 8Able to explain the application of photogrammetry for autonomous vehicles
CPMK 9Able to explain the application of photogrammetry for regional management (smart city, digital twin, land management)
CPMK 10Able to explain the application of photogrammetry for 3-dimensional modeling (BIM, archaeology)

Learning Method


Learning Modality

  • Offline, Synchronous, Asynchronous

Assessment Methods

  • Written: Optional, Description, Essay Oral: Presentation Assignment: Report, Demonstration, Practice