Background Pattern

Ocean Infrastructure Cost Estimation

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Cost estimation concepts and techniquesExplore
Material take off calculation/quantity analysisExplore
Calculation of wage, equipment and material costsExpert
Estimated cost of construction of marine structures (breakwater, coastal protection, etc.)Expert
Estimated cost of port infrastructure development (channel, stacking field reclamation, etc.)Expert
Cost estimation of Offshore Platform Construction (general calculation, fabrication, installation and transportation)Expert
Cost estimation of Ocean Energy Development (Offshore wind energy, tidal turbine generator, wave energy, nearshore floating PV)Expert
Estimated cost of marine technology development (ROV/Measurement instrumentation)Expert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Able to explain the basic principles of cost estimation calculation techniques
CPMK 2Able to calculate the amount of material needed in the work of marine infrastructure development
CPMK 3Able to calculate the cost of wage requirements, equipment and material costs
CPMK 4Able to calculate the cost requirements for port infrastructure development
CPMK 5Able to perform offshore infrastructure cost calculations
CPMK 6Able to calculate the cost of developing and building ocean energy infrastructure
CPMK 7Able to calculate the cost of developing marine technology

Learning Method

  • College and tutorials

Learning Modality

  • - Absorption aspect: visual and auditory - Implementation aspect: synchronous

Assessment Methods

  • Homework, quiz, midterm exam, final exam, and class discussion