Background Pattern

Reinforced Concrete Structures

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Bending in Rectangular BeamsExpert
Bending in T-BeamsExpert
Bending in Beams with Compression ReinforcementExpert
Shear in BeamsExpert
Serviceability of Concrete StructuresExpert
Combination of Compressive and Bending ForcesExpert
Development Length, Splice, and Anchorage of ReinforcementExpert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Capable of explaining the basic theory of bending design for beams (concept of tension and compression in beam sections) and capable of producing design products for reinforced concrete beam components in bending performance, through the application of basic engineering principles.
CPMK 2Capable of applying the basic theory of shear design (concept of shear failure mechanism in concrete beams) to produce design products for reinforced concrete beam components in shear performance, through the application of basic engineering principles.
CPMK 3Capable of identifying serviceability limit conditions, especially deflection and crack control in every engineering problem.
CPMK 4Capable of producing design products for short column components (discussing the concept of interaction diagrams and their forms) that meet existing needs and constraints.
CPMK 5Capable of producing one-way and two-way slab designs that meet the needs and ensure safe limitations.

Learning Method

  • Lecture and tutorial

Learning Modality

  • In terms of absorption: visual and auditory In terms of implementation: synchronous

Assessment Methods

  • Homework, quiz, midterm exam, final exam, and class discussion