Background Pattern

Mathematical Statistics

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Distribution of sample parameters for mean and variance (X-bar and sample variance)Expert
Statistical series, limit distribution, central limit theoremExpert
Convergence of random variable series and types of convergence (convergent in probability and convergent in distribution)Expert
Converges in probability and Chebyshev's inequalityExpert
Converges in the distribution and limit of the moment generating functionExpert
Parameter estimation methods: maximum likelihood and method of moments and properties of estimatorsExpert
Interval estimators for mean and varianceExpert
Interval estimator for difference of two means and ratio of two variances, Point and interval estimator of Bayes methodExpert
Definition of hypothesis testing, best critical region, Neyman-Pearson argumentExpert
Likelihood ratio test and UMPTExpert
Sufficient Statistics via Neyman Factorisation and exponential distribution classesExpert
Properties of unbiased and efficient estimators, determination of MVUE estimator by Rao-Blackwell's RazorExpert
Completeness and uniqueness of estimator via Rao-Cramer InequalityExpert

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Basic skills to learn statistical distributions that support population parameter estimation.
CPMK 2Able to determine estimated population parameters through correct mathematical steps.
CPMK 3Basic ability to learn statistical distributions that support population parameter estimation. Able to determine estimated population parameters through correct mathematical steps.
CPMK 4Able to determine estimated population parameters through correct mathematical steps.

Learning Method

  • Lectures, collaborative learning, and group discussions.

Learning Modality

  • Offline, synchronized, self-paced

Assessment Methods

  • Quizzes, midterms, final exams, and assignments