
Environmental Remote Sensing

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
Elements of Remote SensingExpert
Vegetation Remote Sensing: - spectral characteristics, phenology, vegetation indices, applications to vegetationExpert
Water Remote Sensing: - spectral characteristics, Inorganic material mapping, Organic material mappingExpert
Urban Remote Sensing : - Spectral/temporal characteristics/data resolution, Cover class/land useExpert
Remote Sensing Soil/mineral/geomorphology : - Soil spectral characteristics, mineral characteristics and mapping, Geomorphology mappingExpert
Atmospheric Remote Sensing: - Aerosol particle characterization, Aerosol mapping, Cloud mappingExpert
Earth observation satellites (remote sensing data collection / Big Data Remote Sensing): - Various kinds of remote sensing sensors for the environment, open access dataExpert
Environmental Remote Sensing for Disaster (PjBL)
Environmental Remote Sensing for Precission Farming (PjBL)

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Able to explain and utilize remote sensing in specific fields of geodesy and geomatics engineering.
CPMK 2Able to explain the concepts and applications of remote sensing data for the extraction of information related to vegetation.
CPMK 3Able to explain the concepts and applications of remote sensing data for the extraction of water-related information.
CPMK 4Able to explain the concepts and applications of remote sensing data for urban information extraction.
CPMK 5Able to explain the concepts and applications of remote sensing data for information extraction related to soil / cereals / geomorphology.
CPMK 6Able to explain the concepts and applications of remote sensing data for information extraction related to the atmosphere.
CPMK 7Able to explain various kinds of remote sensing data and their derivative products that are openly available (open access).
CPMK 8Able to apply and utilize remote sensing data and methods for disasters.
CPMK 9Able to apply and utilize remote sensing data and methods for precision farming.

Learning Method


Learning Modality

  • Offline, Synchronous, Asynchronous

Assessment Methods

  • Written: Optional, Description, Essay Oral: Presentation Assignment: Report, Demonstration, Practice